Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages: The Hidden Keys

Discover the twelve powerful habits that highly happy marriages have in common with Shaunti Feldhahn’s book, “The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages.” Through years of investigative research, Shaunti reveals the little things that make a big difference in a blissful married couple’s life.

This practical, research-based book provides insights into the attitudes, expectations, and behaviors that contribute to a successful and fulfilling marriage. Learn from the experiences of happy couples and take your marriage from “just fine” to “just the best” with this eye-opening guide.

Unveiling The Hidden Keys

Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages

Unveiling the Hidden Keys

Understanding the Secrets of Happy Marriages

Discovering the surprising secrets of highly happy marriages is like unlocking a treasure trove of wisdom. These secrets have been revealed through years of investigative research by renowned author, Shaunti Feldhahn.

She has identified twelve powerful habits that the happiest marriages have in common. The best news is that these habits are simple and can be incorporated into our daily lives. By examining the power of small habits, we can experience greater happiness and fulfillment in our relationships.

Shaunti Feldhahn’s book, “The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages: The Little Things That Make a Big Difference” provides an in-depth understanding of these habits and how they can transform any marriage.

By learning from the experiences of other couples, we can discover actionable steps to strengthen our own relationships. It’s time to uncover the hidden keys to lasting happiness in marriage and create a love story that stands the test of time.

Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages: Unveiling the Hidden Keys


Communication: The Foundation Of A Happy Marriage

Effective Ways to Communicate in Marriage

Communication is the foundation of a happy marriage. It is essential to develop effective ways to communicate with your spouse in order to maintain a strong and healthy relationship. Here are some key communication skills that can greatly contribute to the success of your marriage:

Active Listening: Actively listening to your partner means giving them your full attention without interrupting or judging. Show empathy and understanding by reflecting on what they say and validating their feelings.

Empathy: Put yourself in your spouse’s shoes and try to understand their perspective. This allows you to respond with compassion and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

By practicing active listening and empathy, you create a safe space for open and honest communication. Remember that communication is a two-way street, so make sure to also express your thoughts and emotions clearly to your spouse.

Emotional Connection: Nurturing Love And Intimacy

The emotional connection is one of the key elements in nurturing love and intimacy in a marriage. Cultivating emotional intimacy plays a crucial role in maintaining a strong and happy marital relationship.

It involves developing a deep understanding and empathy towards each other’s feelings and needs.

One important aspect of emotional intimacy is the importance of affection and physical intimacy in a marriage.

Physical affection, such as holding hands, hugging, and kissing, helps couples to feel loved and cared for. It also promotes bonding and creates a sense of connection between partners.

Physical intimacy, including sexual intimacy, is an integral part of a healthy marriage. It is not just about satisfying physical desires but also about deepening the emotional connection between partners. It is a way to express love, trust, and vulnerability.

Cultivating emotional intimacy and maintaining affectionate and physical intimacy requires open communication, mutual respect, and effort from both partners.

It is about being present, attuned to each other’s needs, and making each other feel valued and cherished.

Building A Strong Partnership: Working Together As A Team

Building a strong partnership in marriage requires collaboration and effective decision-making. Couples who work together as a team, supporting each other’s goals and dreams, are more likely to have highly happy marriages.

Collaborative decision-making involves open communication, active listening, and compromise. It is essential to respect each other’s opinions and find common ground to make joint decisions.

By sharing responsibilities and working towards shared goals, couples create a sense of unity and teamwork in their relationship.

Supporting each other’s goals and dreams means being there to provide encouragement, motivation, and assistance.

This could mean attending events or pursuing hobbies together or simply being a cheerleader for each other’s personal accomplishments.

When couples prioritize partnership and teamwork, they build a solid foundation for a happy and fulfilling marriage.

Maintaining Positivity: The Key To Long-lasting Happiness

When it comes to maintaining positivity in a marriage, gratitude and appreciation play a crucial role. Research has shown that expressing gratitude towards your partner can strengthen the bond and enhance overall happiness.

Taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate the little things your spouse does can go a long way in fostering a positive atmosphere in your marriage.

In addition, strategies for overcoming negativity and conflict are essential for a long-lasting and happy marriage.

Communication is key in addressing and resolving conflicts. It’s important to approach disagreements with empathy and understanding, actively listening to your partner’s viewpoint. Finding common ground and compromising can help prevent negativity from escalating.

Furthermore, practicing forgiveness is vital in maintaining positivity. Holding onto grudges and resentments can create a toxic environment in a relationship.

Instead, focus on forgiveness and letting go of past hurts, fostering a healthier and happier marriage.

Frequently Asked Questions On Surprising Secrets Of Highly Happy Marriages

What Are The Common Habits Of Highly Happy Marriages?

Highly happy marriages share twelve powerful habits that contribute to their bliss, including effective communication, mutual respect, quality time spent together, and acts of kindness and affection.

How Do Happy Couples Maintain Their Emotional Connection?

Happy couples maintain their emotional connection by regularly expressing their love and appreciation for one another, actively listening to each other’s thoughts and feelings, and prioritizing open and honest communication.

What Role Does Physical Intimacy Play In A Happy Marriage?

Physical intimacy is an important aspect of a happy marriage as it fosters emotional closeness and connection. Couples who prioritize physical affection, romance, and intimacy tend to have stronger bonds and higher levels of marital satisfaction.

How Can Spouses Support Each Other’s Personal Growth And Goals?

Spouses can support each other’s personal growth and goals by providing encouragement, offering constructive feedback, and creating a supportive environment. Celebrating each other’s achievements and being each other’s biggest cheerleaders can strengthen a marriage.


Discover the secret to a highly happy marriage with these surprising habits that Shaunti Feldhahn reveals. Through years of research, she uncovers the key behaviors that the happiest couples have in common. If you’ve ever wanted to know the secret to marital bliss, this book is a must-read.

Take your marriage from “just fine” to “just amazing” with these powerful insights. Get ready to create a strong and fulfilling relationship that lasts a lifetime.

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